Monday, May 14, 2018

I’d Like To Go Alone

This is my butterfly project for the poem “I’d Like To Go Alone” I'd like to go away alone. Where there are other nicer people, Somewhere into the far unknown, There, where no one kills another. Maybe more of us, A thousand strong, Will reach this goal Before too long. Alena Synkova Talks about how she wants to leave. People were brutal, they torchured people, they killed people, etc. Alena wanted to escape that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The movie Life is Beautiful was good, I liked it a lot and it had lots of meaning. The ending was super sad when the father died.  I think what he did was the right thing though because the way he tricked his son into thinking it was all a game. It was not fair that he was shot though. If I was in the dads situation I would have no idea what to do because I could never imagine anything like that.